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Skin Problems

The largest organ of our body is the skin and yet it is largely ignored. It is the organ that houses all the other organs and isn’t only peripheral but also deep tissue. Skin is the only organ that is prone to external and internal injuries and diseases mainly due to its sheer size. 

From an Ayurvedic perspective, skin comprises seven layers that cause deep-seated reasons for various diseases and so, the countermeasures have to be penetrative as well.


At the onset, skin is the first line of defense and that makes it susceptible to infections and diseases. Ayurveda believes that any disease has an underlying issue that has a direct connection to an inappropriate lifestyle and unhealthy dietary choices. Our constitution also known as “Prakriti” is meant to follow certain conduct that includes meals that keep our doshas balanced, exercise in form of yoga asanas that keep our physical self nimble and agile which in itself is a kind of healing, and keeping our chakras clean and unkempt with pranayama, bandha and mudra. The all-knowing ascetics wrote and followed that to live very long healthy lives; although modern times have changed all that drastically. 

Due to non-adherence to the regimental times set for our body, mind and soul to be harmonious, our doshas are in imbalance causing a multitude of diseases. While it is said that dosha imbalance is a major cause of skin issues, it also holds true that the aggressive “Pitta” dosha causes the most havoc generally. Any action that aggravates and causes any heat in the body, much like spicy food or alcohol or high levels of allopathic medication peaks the Pitta dosha giving rise to skin eruptions and diseases. Skin disease affects everyone, right from neonatal to the elderly causing the four dominant D’s.

  • Discomfort
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Death 

A dysfunctional liver or a dysfunctional immune system creates toxins (ama) and cumulatively, this causes skin problems.

Alternative therapies for Skin Diseases

In lieu of the Ayurvedic principles, there are two main categories of skin disorders which are then sub-categorised into more categories. 

Major skin diseases or the Mahakushta:

These are seven types:

  1. Kaapaala Kushta
  2. Audumbara Kushta
  3. Mandala Kushta
  4. Rishyajihwa Kushta
  5. Pundareeka Kushta
  6.  Sidhma Kushta
  7. Kaakana Kushta

Minor skin diseases or the Kshudra kushta:

  1. Eka Kushta
  2. Charmakhya Kushta 
  3. Kitibha Kushta
  4. Vaipadika Kushta
  5. Alasaka Kushta
  6. Dadru Kushta
  7. Charmadala Kushta
  8. Pama Kushta
  9. Visphota Kushta
  10. Shataru Kushta
  11. Vicharchika Kushta

Skin diseases are related to doshas and once these are balanced with the right guidance, the disease takes care of itself. For example, a dry, rough, greyish discoloration with pain in pin-sized locales is of Vata dominance. Similarly, a dominant Pitta dosha will always have a burning rash, with blood and pustular discharge as well as a red inflammation. And a Kapha dominance will reveal a white discoloration, and infected wounds that are cold and itchy.

Common skin problems are:

  • Acne Vulgaris – Widespread amongst teenagers, acne or popularly known as breakouts, comes in the form of pimples, whiteheads, blackheads and cysts. It is the most common condition that occurs due to overactive sebaceous glands.
  • Hives – This is an allergic reaction that has inflamed skin that is very itchy and has big red bumps. The exact reason for this is still unknown as it varies from person to person. It can be an internal or an external cause. 
  • Eczema – This is a chronic condition that can be characterised by flaky skin, redness and extreme itching sensation. 
  • Psoriasis – A non-infectious, inflammatory skin disease, this is characterised by scaly, silvery patches and very dry skin. Mainly occurs on elbows, palms, scalp and knees, it can be very itchy. 
  • Vitiligo –  This is an auto-immune, pigmentation disorder in which the skin pigment cells get destroyed and white patches occur on different parts of the body.  Vitiligo generally affects the hands, wrists, knees, neck, back, mucous membrane and retina. Hair that grows from the affected patches may take on a white colour as well.

Ayurveda and skin help

Healing is quicker when the mind and body are in sync and back the treatment procedure followed for Ayurvedic Skin Diseases treatment in a proper manner, as per Ayurveda. 

Problems on the skin appear whenever we have an imbalance of doshas and dhatus in our body. Several instances can trigger the issue, like behavioural problems, dietary choices,  suppression of natural urges etc. 

The ayurvedic treatment primarily looks at restoring the doshic balance. The overall lifestyle changes like a good diet consisting of herbs, fruits, and vegetables along with yoga, meditation, and ayurvedic massages prove to be immensely beneficial in the long run. 

The detoxification of the accumulation of toxins in the body, well known as “Panchakarma” is a complete program in itself. It flushes all the toxins out of the body, helps the body gain equilibrium and improves the functionality of all the organs. Panchakarma for skin diseases is the best therapy known to mankind for most diseases and has a high success rate in curing patients of almost all skin diseases. 


Ayurveda is the favoured schematic for helping in managing skin disorders and diseases. Ayurveda uses a holistic way that also pursues a correct way of life to help with skin problems. The ayurvedic decoctions used have ingredients that have a nutritive value that helps boost skin health, and help regulate inflammation, and infections on the skin. Ayurvedic herbal remedies are sourced from nature and have been used for eons. They speak for the generosity of nature. You can help experience wellness for skin diseases with panchakarma. Experience this and more at Shrishail. Treat your skin to good health and youthfulness. 

The great thing about Ayurveda is that its treatments always yield side benefits, not side effects.


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